Oh, Columbia
In 1981, when Columbia first flew, I was young, and filled with hope, more than a little space-struck, and delighted that my species was doing something so right.
In 1986, when Challenger last flew, I was a little less young, a lot more bitter and cynical, and sure that the response would be wrong, and foolish, and short-sighted.
In 2003, when Columbia last flew, I am middle-aged, well aware of my own foolishness and mortality and that of others, and sure that we will do some very foolish things, and some very brave things, and in the end we will muddle through.
Rest in peace, and thank you for living the dreams of my youth.
i just found this site via the link on the movable type homepage… i might be a cynical weeny, numbed by the hollow sympathy of many webloggers out there regarding the columbia incident. but then i read this post, the first one i’ve come across that seems real, heartfelt and true.