Getting there. I’ve got multiple

Getting there. I’ve got multiple blogs on a single index file, and a way to redirect anything except permalinks on Blog*Spot that don’t point to /?/filename.html#number (don’t quite know where the #fragment goes during the redirect from archives/filename to ?/filename, but it sure doesn’t go anywhere JavaScript can find it). All that’s left is to figure out how to use mod_rewrite to get index.php? to show up as something.html, and I’ll be ready to go. Sadly, that involves regular expressions, which I can’t seem to get internalized: if you tell me [\w.?=]+ matches one or more “word” characters plus period question mark and equals, up to the first non-“word” character that isn’t one of those three punctuation marks, I’ll say “sure, got it”, but when I need to write my own, I just stare at the screen with drool running down my chin. It’s as ugly as it sounds.


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