Pro Tips #4

Once I get the hang of Drafts, I think it will be quite useful, though I fear that it will be a lot like todo lists are for me: out of sight, out of mind. Drafts in a nutshell: it has always been possible to use “Post” as a sort of draft, to save a post in progress, as long as you are the only person on the blog (so nobody else publishes while you are just drafting), and you don’t decide to publish another post before you finish with the first one. Drafts let you file away your half-baked posts until you decide that they are ready for the light of day. To make a post a draft, click the Options… button, and in the popup select the Mark as Draft (do not publish) box and click OK and then click the Post button. Mark as Draft doesn’t save it, you still have to Post before you wander off. Once you mark a post as a draft, it will wait patiently behind your Drafts tab until you finally decide to edit it, and undraft it by clicking the Options… button and unchecking Mark as Draft. At that point Set post date/time will be selected, with the date and time that you originally posted. If you are slow and lazy, like me, that will probably be days ago, where nobody will ever see the post, so you will probably want to uncheck it to set the current date/time. Unless you need to show up your friends, by having posted about the latest meme long before they did…


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