Pro Tips #5

Posting to the future and the past: type a post, then click the Options… button, check Set post date/time, and enter a date and time in the future, then post or post & publish. The post will go to your Future tab, and wait until the next time you publish after that date and time, when it will be published. Eh. Now if it automatically published after that date and time, it would really be useful: you could post a couple of days worth of posts, and then go off on a bender with nobody the wiser. Setting the date to the past would be equally useful (“What do you mean I forgot your birthday? I posted a birthday poem on my blog, and you never said a word about it. Just look!”), but, at least at the moment, it doesn’t seem to work. A post with a date/time set to the past just gets the current time. Rats. <edit>Actually, posting to the past does work: I was just foolishly using the example for how to format the date and time in the Options… popup, which says MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS (as in 01/20/02 13:15:00), when in fact it seems to want the same format that it displays: 1/20/2002 1:15:00 PM. Or at least it takes that, if you post with a changed date that it doesn’t like, then edit the post and change to date that it gives you in that format… I’ll get it figured out one of these days.</edit>


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