Since Tom asked, here’s my

Since Tom asked, here’s my outstanding post history. I’m sure it would be more impressive if I could include the total from Blogger Discuss as well (how many kb in 300 repetitions of “on the center black bar, left side, just inside the “view web page” link is a link to “enter safe mode” – click that and Blogger will stop interpreting the html in your posts in the lower frame, so your [edit] link will work again.”?). As it is, I don’t think I’ll be lining Ev.’s pockets with extra $3 bills any time soon. What I want to know is, what the hell was I doing in October? I don’t seem to have posted a single thing anywhere, despite having an ample supply of test blogs to post test posts to.

And Tom, you remember how I said that a link from Ev. sent traffic for a lot longer than a link from you? What I meant was, well, uh, well, your archive files are rather large, aren’t they? When the time comes, just stick up a PayPal link and remind me: I’ll pay $3 for another 100k of plasticbag anytime.


Comment by Jigzaw #
2002-01-28 05:13:44

PHIIIIIIIL!!! WTF happend here? I was trying to make you’re calendarscript work and all of a sudden i get this stupid thing when I try to post: Error 104:java.lang.NullPointerException (server:page)

Now, I’ve read the tread, I’ve taken everything back to ground zero so it’s just as it was BEFORE I tried the calendar…but no, nothing works. Any ideas??

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-01-28 07:29:40

Well, I don’t know anything new, since the last time I FAQ’d it. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I even got to take a look at one: they seem to be a lot less frequent than they once were. Most likely something in the Blogger section of either your main or archive template that you haven’t noticed yet.

Comment by Jigzaw #
2002-01-29 09:17:28

nope, nothin’ there. I swithed to an old layout that I knew where good but still got the same message. But then, all of a sudden, it worked all fine again…..strange…

Comment by bubbless #
2003-06-14 08:24:14

hi.erm. juz want to ask about the error 104 too. how do you solve it? any idea? i have been trying for a few days but still cannot solve it. really desperate now.. pls reply soon thanx!

Comment by bubblesss #
2003-06-14 09:50:19

sorry me again! juz encountered another different prob. that is …

Error 506:Unable to contact view generation service: (server:page)

please reply soon…

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-06-14 10:04:55

That’s an internal Blogger error due to trouble with servers communicating. Chances are your previous 104 came from trouble with the archive template, which may or may not wind up blank once all the servers are back to working.

And the link to my FAQ in my previous reply was intended to divert this off-topic conversation there. Doesn’t seem to have worked, though.

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