Pretty templates for the stealing

I really must start to pay more attention to what’s going on at friends’ sites, especially when it’s something I asked for: pixelkitty templates for Blogger, in lovely valid CSS and XHTML. Also of note in the pixelkitty zone: by far the best looking set of archive links I’ve ever done the javascript to produce. Of course, they look good because Natalie told me exactly how they should look, and I just modified my script a bit, but I’ll take even tangential design credit.


Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-11 23:52:35

Ive just emailed her and asked her if she would mind me converting them for bbt. Or assisting her in doing so..

Thanks for pointing them out phil :)

Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-03-12 00:59:25

Ive been ringnalda’d! w00tz0r!

Phil, you do the best scripts and you know it.

Ruzz, whats bbt and I dont have your email yet! That’s probably because a nasty local isp here is hijacking the route to my mail server, or because you used the spam bot instead of the real address?

either way, email me again but I cant do JS, all the hard work was done by Philz0r!

Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-03-12 01:01:28

oh and pssst dont tell anyone, but a redesign is on the cards.

this time I might even do something different ;p

Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-12 11:50:59


I did remove the spam block. I sent it to the address that is above. Maybe you could fire me an email and me reply?


Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-12 20:18:13

Yah, I don’t remember if I mentioned it or not, but I had a message to admin@ bounce after two or three days, sometime last week. Then today I found out that I almost missed out on a beta test because my ISP is up to its old trick of just ignoring mail from some hosts. No wonder I do most of my communicating in blogs and comments anymore.

And I just can’t pass it up: ”whats bbt” – I told you so I told you so I told you so.
(It’s Big Blog Tool, the pay-only Blogger competition that I keep trying to get ruzz to open up to some sort of free trial, so I can play with it without having to knock the cobwebs off my wallet.)

Just had a thought about a possible way to do a free trial: could you set up another server just for testing, with the option to either ftp the trial blog or host it there, and then either delete everything if they don’t sign up in a week, or even make it completely temporary, deleting everything as soon as the session ends? No idea how complicated your backend is, so I don’t know if I’m asking for the moon or not. For that matter, I don’t even know if I’m the only person on earth who would leap at the chance to use a new blogging tool, knowing that what I published was going to go away unless I coughed up some cash.

Of course, if Blogger Pro doesn’t stop fellating goats pretty soon, I’ll be knocking on your door, cash in hand, anyway.

Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-12 21:10:04


Phil. I’m working on a free trial thing. Its going to be part of some of the changes I’m making at bbt. Im trying to get it all done fast as I can but seems there is a limited number of days in the week.

Im sorry to hear blogger pro isnt working out for you. Honestly. I have a lot of respect for Ev and I know youre a big blogger supporter so I have to assume the problems are fairly serious. Ev’s worked hard, I wanted to see Blogger Pro make the man some cash. He’s earned it. And like I said before, there is room for all of us in this game :)

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-12 21:53:38

Yeah, I’m a bit crabby tonight, what with one thing and another. I don’t begrude him the money at all: I paid up as quick as I could, figuring that I was paying for all the fun I’ve had with Blogger in the past, if nothing else. I’m just a little disappointed that it has turned into a paid beta, where for the last several days Pro has been far, far worse than Classic. Once Ev drags back from SXSW and gets over the hangover, I’m sure it will get better.

I was just about to say that I would take the evening off from Blogger problems, and cruise some non-Blogger powered blogs to cheer myself up, but since I just heard the ding of incoming Blogger-problem-mail, well, we’ll see.

Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-03-12 22:01:19

the mail issue is being sorted as I type this.

hmm bbt sounds interesting but I want something I can host myself using only ASP and MS SQL – ohh I can hear the rush of takers now – not ;p

ruzz – email on its way from my top secret email addy ;p

Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-12 22:03:33


Try a buddy of mine runs it, its an asp server application (like GreyMaytter).


Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-03-12 23:48:45

yeah but greymatter requires ability to change permissions and cgi – I dont have that ability.

Phil, tell me your woes with Pro. I havent had one. and its only been down once for ten minute since I switched (for me anyway)

it would be interesting to know whats happening to get you so grumpy.

I personally just want something I can host myself, on my crappy IIS you-cant-change-permissions-and-we-only-have-ms sql hosting (which is free so I wont complain too much more!)

Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-03-12 23:51:42

on second thoughts, this blogworks thing looks good

it needs a ”system requirements” area though. Im loathe to download it only to find I dont have everything needed :(

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-03-13 00:44:26

I saw a system requirements there somewhere (don’t remember where, since I don’t do ASP, so I was ”just looking”).

Woes with Pro:

The API is utterly broken for Pro, having gone from ”you can post but not edit posts”, to ”you can’t do a single thing.” I’m supposed to be beta testing Bloggar 2.0 (though, thanks to the lost email above, I’m already behind), but I’ll have to do it with one of my Classic alter-egos. Also, no API means no bloglet subscriptions for Pro blogs, when they were just getting started with a very cool model for email blog subscriptions. Even if API support comes back to what it was, there still isn’t support for titles. At least I’m better off than a few people I know, who were using the API to publish from Radio, or doing fancy archives and syndication through it.

This blog magically acquired a 03_10_2002 archive file, but about half the blogs with weekly archives still don’t have a current archive at all. No workaround possible: archive frequency is frozen at weekly, so off/on/monthly/weekly doesn’t do any good. You just have to hope that no one links to you, since your permalinks are 404ed.

Haven’t tried it today, but as of yesterday (and since the switch to the new db), if you save changes in your settings, your blog switches to GMT time, and you have to leave the blog and come back to get your time zone reset, or your posts will disappear into the future tab.

Switching to a totally separate system before the cross-browser interface was ready means that people who don’t use IE routinely or have team members in a group blog who don’t use it at all, no longer have the option of updating through the Classic interface: either you use IE5+, or you do not post to a Pro blog. That also means that if I want to troubleshoot the Classic interface, I have to sign out, and back in as an alter-ego.

To top it all off, the Free template server was down for about three hours this afternoon, which makes Blogger throw Error 104 Null pointer exception errors, and the troubleshooting eventually leads you to send me an invitation to join your blog and fix it, so I spent my lunch half-hour replying to 45 invites: ”It’s not you, it’s Blogger’s fault, It’s not you, it’s Blogger’s fault…”. And the way that Evan never admits that a problem exists until he can say ”<s>problem</s>(fixed)” is really starting to work on my last good nerve: apparently he has forgotten that while he silently works on a fix, hundreds of people are trying random things, messing up their blogs, emailing their friends and strangers for clues… I don’t care about being told that it’s fixed: I can figure that out for myself. What I want to know is that he has heard the whimpering of his poor befuddled users, and whether or not he plans on fixing it (there’s never any guarantee: Newsblogger has been partially broken since last August, fully broken since January, and they still pretend they will fix it. I’ll bet that the freshly-broken will get the same treatment).

So, it’s not my last straw yet, but the last few days have added some stress fractures. It’s pretty damn hard to forget just how easy it is to install Movable Type, if you aren’t stuck in an ASP shop.

Comment by pixelkitty #
2002-03-13 01:57:10

thats a long list. I think Ive been lucky in that I dont try to do anything funky. I use BlogBuddy to edit my template on the fly, but never to post, as what use is it when you cant post titles or edit existing posts?

I also am rather snarky about the newsblogger breakage – I have tried numerous times to get into newsblogger only to be told my password is wrong, even when Im currently logged into blogger with that exact same password.

I guess I was just willing to pay for a service that promised a lot of extra features.

Im not holding my breath for the features to arrive though, after all the one I really wanted was better archiving date formats, and the only way I have what I want is by getting you to do it!

Maybe Ev needs to put on some more hands, or do the right thing eg: dont go swanning off to sxsw (or whatever that texas shebang is) until blogger is FIXED.

um rant over.

Comment by ruzz #
2002-03-13 03:22:39

cough *BigBlogTool* cough

Comment by Shannon #
2002-03-13 09:28:11

I think Ruzz swallowed a bug.

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