From the teaser files

I don’t know what they have in mind, but I do know that’s the first time I’ve seen an empty <body /> tag.


Comment by ruzz #
2002-04-14 22:21:12

i know i know!

hehe. I talked with meg about it last week, and no it wont be bad for Ev in any way.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-14 22:51:48

Rats. I had my hopes up.

Comment by nick #
2002-04-14 23:28:08

i love code that makes me laugh. like that, or sites designed with dreamweaver, so on…

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-15 00:24:57

Interestingly, the validator doesn’t seem to think that <body /> is a problem. I would have said that the content model (%block;|SCRIPT)+ meant that you have to have at least one block-level or script element in the body, but if it’s good enough for the validator…

Comment by ruzz #
2002-04-15 02:46:55

<body /> should be a valid tag, no? I mean it closes itself, thats all the validator cares, i think.

Comment by ruzz #
2002-04-15 02:47:09


I am tired, so i could be completely wrong.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-04-15 07:54:59

Starting to remind me of one of my favorite Dilberts, with Wally saying ”Of all the pleasures of life, I like nitpicking the best”, but it’s true, I do.

Since the page is 4.01 Transitional, not XHTML, that’s not an empty, closed tag. Just like <br /> in 4.01, it’s a tag with an unknown attribute ”/”. The reason it’s valid must be because both <body> and </body> are listed as optional: the validator doesn’t mind

<p>Not much here.</p>

either. Blerg. That’s seriously ugly valid HTML.

Comment by The Reverend #
2002-04-18 11:06:09

Ya know, you can always tell when you have crossed the line into the geek realm when you see ”I don’t know what they have in mind, but I do know that’s the first time I’ve seen an empty <body /> tag.” and it makes you laugh like an idiot for 15 minutes.
Ladies and gentlemen, your newest geek, the Reverend !

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