Where to link, where to link…
Now that I’ve rewritten the Blogamp display_playlist.js to look for a custom link, and then write a query link if there isn’t one, I find I’m stuck for a useful query link. Where do you, oh gentle reader, want to go when you see that I’ve been listening to Johnny Cash doing “Sunday Morning Coming Down”? google.com/search?q=Rude things to say to Johnny Cash fans? The Google results for artist plus title seem to be uniformly useless (if I search for Bruce Springsteen Badlands, the odds that I want an Italian fanzine or a tribute to Nebraska are vanishingly small). Got any ideas?
Well, for all the cool Springsteen tunes, I suggest you hardwire the links to my Springsteen page:
Which not only has original content but also links to other good Springsteen sites.
Of course I am just a traffic ho, don’t mind me. I think it’s really cool that springsteen seems to be one of your favorites.
Yeah, I gots one for you. Put official+website in your search string. A la: ”bruce+springsteen+official+website”, which also works for Bonnie Raitt, Johnny Cash and Tom Petty, the four on your playlist right now.
You are, of course, right. My first thought was ”eeew, corporate websites,” but since the official site for The Clash told me that the UK version of ”The Clash” had been re-released in the US, which I missed somehow, I see that you are right. I was wrong, and I’ll never doubt you when it comes to music again. Never.
Bill: I’ll give you the link from Youngstown, but I think you know what you’ll have to do to earn it. Number 13? Not going to work.
Phil, you are clearly a lot younger than me. My Springsteen fanaticism springs from Summer 1975 when born to run (the album) hit my turntable the first day it was in the stores and didn’t leave for months. Darkness was even worse and my parents basically had to threaten to make me homeless over that one.
Not all that much younger, really. I can’t claim to have started with Born to Run, but I remember Darkness when the sleeve was still clean and pristine.
My first reply (which got lost when I opened something else in the same window), said that I agreed absolutely on your first three. I just don’t think that there’s a single song on Human Touch, Lucky Town, or Tunnel of Love worthy of being played during a sound check before the best third of Tom Joad.
Phil, you can doubt me whenever you like. Just be sure to come back and tell me I was right when you realize it. Heh.
All That Heaven will allow is my favorite ballad by any artist any time. Nothing good on Tunnel of Love my ass! The whole thing is a rock opera/song cycle that covers the entirety of romantic relationships from start to end, even if no one else I know ever talks about it that way.