More popular than Doc & Zeldman

From the Too-Funny-To-Last files: Jim put up a list of the most-watched blogs at, and no doubt thanks to my tireless pimping of, I’m actually more popular than Doc Searls or the Big Z. That must make a total of, well, one list where that’s true.


Comment by Phil's Bitch #
2002-06-03 19:31:13

You’re right. Poof! Gone.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2002-06-05 15:24:51

Yeah? Well, who’s their daddy now?

#9 Jeffrey Zeldman Presents
#10 The Doc Searls Weblog

Comment by Phil's Bitch #
2002-06-06 22:50:35

You, baby. You.

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