Tiny change to RSS auto-discovery link
You’ve probably already seen this over at Mark‘s blog, but if not, you need to make a tiny change in your RSS auto-discovery <link> tag, changing the type to “application/rss+xml” and the title to “RSS”, looking ahead to a time when you might want to have <link> tags for more than one XML format.
Speaking of looking ahead, I got to thinking that there might be a time in the not-so-far future when XHTML might actually be useful (say, you wanted to use an XML parser to look for <link> tags), so I shifted my main page back to XHTML 1.0 Transitional, despite Mozilla’s bizzare belief that the <hr>s in my playlist should run clear across the width of the page, rather than just the width of the <div> containing them. Solved that by just switching to a border-bottom rather than a <hr>, but now I’m once again a victim of the IE6 ALA/MT scrolling bug. So if you’re using IE6 and my torrid posting pace is too much for you to keep up with, so that you need to read below the bottom of the right sidebar, hit F11 twice. I tried stealing ideas for getting around it (like Dorothea‘s “padding-bottom:1000%” or Mark‘s whole layout), but couldn’t quite find the key parts to steal without stealing the whole thing. The really bad thing is that what I want to do is so simple, one box running the full width of the page, and below that two boxes, one taking 60% of the width and the other taking 40%. As in
<td width=”60%”></td>
<td width=”40%”></td>
Eventually I’ll figure out some way of doing it that keeps everything liquid, manages the margins, padding, borders, and widths, and works in more than one browser, but wasn’t CSS supposed to make life easier, not harder? Or was it someone else’s life that it was going to make easier?
css isn’t easier, it’s more fun! tables work better, sort of, but anyone can do it and it’s friggin’ boring. and ugly. but when you have nothing to do, css is there to screw with your head and after days of tweaking looks beautiful. i can’t tell you how many times i wake up in the middle of the night and say ”i need to add 1 pixel to my margins! and 3 to my line-heights! i’m gonna die! i wet the bed!…” so get some rubber sheets.
That’s basically what you have now, isn’t it? The banner <div>, the content, and the sidebar.