I want my site navigation bar
If you miss the site navigation bar (AKA linktoolbar: a toolbar that shows links from <link> tags for things like next/prev, first/last, and alternate formats like RSS) in Mozilla 1.0, here are a couple of resources for hacking it back in: hack comm.jar (didn’t work for me on Windows), and the “untested xpi” attachment from the current owner of the bug (which did work for me).
Funny thing is, they pulled the toolbar because of the page load/startup delay it was causing, but for me, that delay wasn’t at all noticeable, especially compared to the delay that I got rid of by disabling Quick Launch. I got sick of Quick Launch sitting around, even though I rarely use Mozilla, and “Quick” seemed to be a bit of a lie, since it was so slow that I generally ended up opening four or five windows by pounding away on the icon, thinking it had crashed when it was just being dog-slow. Once I dumped Quick Launch, Mozilla starts much faster. Don’t let anybody tell you this shit isn’t complicated and difficult.
… or you could just use one of the latest Nightlies which have the link toolbar again. They are a bit more buggy than the 1.0 branch builds, but hardly noticably so.
Well, the problem is that I only like Mozilla in theory, in philosophical terms. In practice, I don’t really like it all that well, so I’m sure as hell not going to download 10MB every damn night while they take things out and put things back. Insert the last ten thousand ”moving target” arguments here, so we don’t have to rehash them again. If they fix its inability to tell javascript what’s selected in a textarea, I’ll download the source and compile it myself just to get that, but otherwise I’ll just stick to the releases that they claim are moderately stable, with features that people are moderately likely to develop for.