gets a little nosy
Thanks to Mark’s, now autodiscovers your RSS feed, so you don’t need to tell it yourself.
I really should figure out something useful to do with the RSS links, and give my PHP blogroll script a desperately needed overhaul. Hmm.
Thanks for reminding me, I’ve got to document my current blogroll script, which has gotten somewhat out of control. I’m using Magpie RSS to parse RSS feeds of my favorites from both (for pings) and (since some folks only ping there), as well as a list of sites for which I check HTTP headers (of either the main page or the RSS feed) every hour (since some folks don’t ping at all).
Magpie is really nice. It eliminates the need to do all that messy XML SAX stuff directly in PHP.
Say, it is looking good these days. I don’t remember seeing it since 0.1. Caching, conditional get, it wouldn’t take long to build yourself an online newsreader out of it. Too bad’ favorites.rss doesn’t include the URL for the feed, or you could just have Magpie parse it to see what it should be fetching and parsing for display.
both the favorites.xml and mySubscriptions.opml versions contain the rss url (when it exists).