MT2.6 upgrade update

My upgrade to Movable Type version 2.6 seems to have gone pretty well, so far, with one tiny exception in the new code that converts high-ASCII accented characters into their unaccented equivalent: if like me your installation (probably your version of Perl) doesn’t approve of things the way they are, and gives you a Use of uninitialized value in substitution iterator at lib/MT/ line 387 error when you rebuild a template that calls the dirify function (either directly, or through the file name template, or through including an archive tag like MTArchiveLink if your permalinks lead to dirified files), then you may need to edit lib/MT/, and delete the square brackets in line 387, turning

$s =~ s/([$HighASCIIRE])/$HighASCII{$1}/g;


$s =~ s/($HighASCIIRE)/$HighASCII{$1}/g;.

Don’t ask me why, or why it doesn’t work for me the original way when it does for Ben (and, one assumes, all the beta testers). It’s Perl; I don’t ask why, I just do whatever seems to work.

On to testing my old hacks, to see how they work in the new version. The great news is, I won’t need to put my slightly smarter convert line breaks hack back in, since it’s now included in MT, along with Brad’s Sanitize plugin (on the output end, though, rather than on the way into the database, so I haven’t decided yet about redoing my sanitize on the way in hack). Time to find some new things to hack in, before I’m down to nothing but a few tweaks to the display on the posting page.


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