Google: Cookie? Phil: Nah, I’m full.
While I do understand the seriousness of the recently reopened question of Google’s cookie being a real privacy problem, at an individual level it just isn’t that big a deal, if you are using a browser from this century. In Phoenix, I just opened Tools -> Preferences -> Privacy, clicked Manage Cookies, checked the Don’t allow removed cookies to be reaccepted later box, and then deleted Google’s cookie. I certainly don’t have a strong enough need to have any Google preferences saved to make me want to let them track my searches for pr0n dissenting political opinions. If they want to store every IP address + query pair, and let someone with police powers combine that with an ISP’s records of who was using that IP at a particular time, I can’t stop them, but I don’t feel like letting them use my computer to cut out the ISP middleman.
Pron – uh, Political Dissent? LOL
I use google but don’t know what you mean! Sorry – Blonde – hehe
Hehe, Jules, your comment was so vapid that I almost didn’t notice that you left that same 1heluva spam URL that I’ve seen you using elsewhere. Are you ready to be banned? Using a throwaway IP address from a free AOL CD?
Google Buys Blogger
As Dan Gillmor reports: Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time. Pyra Labs is the company owned by Evan Williams which
Blogging vs Google I
On light of the recent news that Google is buying Pyra, and with it Blogger, Blogspot and all that is