A surprisingly good model

I didn’t really realize at first just how good a simulation of the stock market BlogShares really is. Back when my blog was a single proprietor firm, if I didn’t feel like updating, I didn’t. Now, post-IPO, I need to offer at least my two biggest investors some return for having such faith in my potential, and if I understand the BlogShares system, now that it has noticed a few more link to me, it won’t actually adjust the value of my blog, and thus their shares, until the next time it indexes me, which requires that I ping weblogs.com, which requires that I update. Whether or not it’s good for the quality of my weblog to update now, it’s good for the shareholders, and that’s all that matters. Damn, nice simulation!

Once I get past my current investing plan (I bought most of myself for a total of $11.64, on the assumption that eventually BlogShares will notice a few more links and ridiculously over-value me, just like the “real” blog world has), my next plan is insider trading: run the value of my blog up, so that outgoing links are worth something, then buy up undervalued blogs and then link to them. Which, given that the whole site is an outgrowth of February’s discussion of power laws and the distribution of links, is the best possible thing the site can do: one of the best ways you can make money at BlogShares is to find unknown but interesting blogs, buy them up, and then link to them, get other people to start reading them and linking to them, and then move on to the next unknown but interesting blog.


Comment by Christine #
2003-04-02 22:02:48

Shhhh… you’re giving away all of my secrets! Although when it came to your stock, it was a wise investment in my view because a lot of people do link to you. Now I am just going to sit back and wait to see what you do for me.

Meanwhile, can you explain to me slowly how some of those MT plugins work and how to put them on my site? ;) (Just kidding – although it would be a good dividend!)

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-04-02 22:30:01

Sure, which plugins that aren’t threaded comments would you like to know more about? I love it dearly, but making it simple while covering everyone’s possible situation has me stumped so far.

And it looks like you’ll have to settle for that return for a while longer: the reindex doesn’t seem to have affected my valuation, yet. Not to worry, we’ve got enormous accounts receivable, just need to collect on them.

Comment by Jeffe #
2003-04-02 23:43:59

I was going to buy some more of your stock but you gobbled it all up. I’ve got money burning a hole in my pocket, man!

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-04-03 00:46:11

I was really hoping for a quick jump in price, when the new spider came online. It’s one thing to own yourself for a day or two, and then sell at an enormous profit, but if I’ve got to sit on myself for a while, it’s going to look tacky.

Comment by Shareholder ;-) #
2003-04-03 02:48:17

I bought the last shares in philringnalda.com that were available yesterday, seeing a large potential upside in your blog ;-) Unfortunately blogshares only lets you buy up to 20% of available volumes, so I had to buy one at the time ;-)

Now… do your magic and earn me some ”money”

Comment by Damelon Kimbrough #
2003-04-03 00:36:01

Good lord Phil! Are you really this bored?

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2003-04-03 00:51:43

Nah, I just got bogged down with a bunch of serious posts, and an inflated sense of how right and perfect and fully researched my every post had to be, so I decided to post whatever came to my fingertips for a while. Really, the last sentence is the only one that counts: what we need to keep the world of weblogs from getting stale is for popular sites to actively seek out unknown sites, and doing insider trading on BlogShares is an amusing way of rewarding that.

Comment by natalie #
2003-04-03 18:35:06

oh my god phil, I only just found this thanks to your link.


I must go claim my weblog!

Trackback by andersja's blog #
2003-04-03 03:30:06

”Paying” ””shareholders”” back

Metapost on blogshare-players…

Trackback by Anonymous #
2003-04-03 07:15:15


I’m surprised to see that my blog is worth $132.52 on BlogShares. Especially since Phil Ringnalda was complaining just the other day that his was only worth $18.94. Phil is already planning to manipulate the system and artificially inflate his share ….

Trackback by dive into mark #
2003-04-03 18:21:14

Anyone seen the bridge?

Standards-based accessible multi-level navigation. More on forcing IE/Win to support the Q tag.

Trackback by retrogra.de #
2003-04-04 06:45:54


Nachdem ich jetzt schon auf einigen Blogs davon gelesen habe, hab ich mich jetzt auch bei Blogshares angemeldet. Wenn ich

Trackback by jill/txt #
2003-04-04 23:45:31


Here’s a really hot trading tip: Jorunn Danielsen’s Andedammen is currently valued at ZERO dollars in the fictive blog share market game Blogshares.com. This means you can buy shares in her blog for free, and then, when you link to…

Trackback by El Refugio #
2003-04-06 11:09:33

Cotizando en bolsa

Ya pueden comprar acciones de El Refugio en BlogShares, la bolsa de valores ”ficticia” de los weblogs. Este juego se

Trackback by george.h.williams #
2003-04-09 06:15:24

limits of blogshares

I got turned on to blogshares via Jill Walker’s entry on the subject. Jill quotes Phil Ringnalda describing the system as a ”surprisingly good model,” one that will ecourage people to buy shares in inexpensive, because unread, blogs and then…

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