I’ll upgrade, where’s the buy now link
Mike Gunderloy knows how to get people to upgrade from the free version:
You know what I really want from my news aggregator? A filter I could turn on to simply destroy any incoming message on the merits of C# vs. VB or Hungarian naming. Perhaps one that would go out and actually delete the originating Web site could be a value-add for the Professional Edition.
Though I suppose it would probably need to set the Evil bit. (And you know there are already people delivering things with the MIME type “application/evil” – I’ve got at least one thing in mind myself.)
Perhaps if aggregators added a Bayesian (sp?) filter, so you could flag ”Junk” posts?
There may be something to that: I wouldn’t clear it unread the way I do with my spam email folder, but it might be nice to end up with a folder of RSS items I’ll probably really want to read, another that I might want to read when I’ve got more time, and one of items I’ll barely skim. The problem would be that I’m more interested by great writing than writing which uses particular words, so although a few things like ”framework” are sure-thing tipoffs that I don’t much want to read an item, almost anything could be in an item that will floor me. If someone builds one, I’d sure be willing to train it for a while, to see if it would work.