Honing SharpReader

Luke Hutteman: SharpReader has been released.

Fixed: pretty much everything that bothered me (links open in the default browser!), several things that bothered Mark.

Added: very cool BlogThis plugin support, with a plugin to open a URL, like the URL for your MovableType bookmarklet, or the Blogger BlogThis URL by changing BlogThisUrl.template to



Comment by Anonymous #
2003-04-17 05:16:55

Wow, a point release. Usually those are reserved for changelogs like ”author sneezed, bits may have settled slightly during shipping”.

Comment by Dougal #
2003-04-18 07:00:31

Now, if only someone would extend the BlogThis capability to support MetaWeblog API….

2003-04-20 09:28:06

baby i can believ it

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