Another stab at RDF in XHTML

If you have any useful ideas for how to embed RDF in XHTML and end up with something that can be validated, now would be a good time to speak up. I’m barely getting to the point where I understand the problem, and how naive I was last summer when I thought it was so simple, so I’m really no help, beyond being interested, and really unhappy with the current “hide it in HTML comments where an XML parser can just silently ignore it” solution.

And even though it went to that ill-tempered, poorly-thought-out, accidently-published rant I’d rather forget, it was rather cool being linked to from a page for a while, though I’m just as glad to see that Joseph has pulled the link now.


Comment by scott #
2003-11-22 22:44:37

just wondering, have you thought about using to ’link’ to your rdf file? i was thinking about doing this – do you think it’s the right way to go about it? note, i lifted this off

Using RDF/XML with HTML and XHTML

If RDF/XML is embedded inside HTML or XHTML this can add many new elements and attributes, many of which will not be in the appropriate DTD. This causes validation against the DTD to fail. The obvious solution of changing or extending the DTD is not practical for most uses. This problem has been analyzed extensively by Sean B. Palmer in RDF in HTML: Approaches[RDF-IN-XHTML] and it concludes that there is no single embedding method that satisfies all applications and remains simple.

The recommended approach is to not embed RDF/XML in HTML/XHTML but rather to use element in the element of the HTML/HTML to point at a separate RDF/XML document. This has been used for several years by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) on its Web site.

To use this technique, the element href should point at the URI of the RDF/XML content and the type attribute should be used with the value of ”application/rdf+xml”, the proposed MIME Type for RDF/XML, see Section 4

The value of the rel attribute may also be set to indicate the relationship; this is an application dependent value. The DCMI has used and recommended rel=”meta” when linking in RFC 2731 – Encoding Dublin Core Metadata in HTML[RFC-2731] however rel=”alternative” may also be appropriate. See HTML 4.01 link types and XHTML Modularization – LinkTypes for further information.

Comment by scott #
2003-11-22 22:46:48

just wanted to add: please email me w/ your feedback. i’m about confused about this issue?! thanks,


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