Halfway there

OpenID in MT: the client half


Comment by Firas #
2005-07-03 20:42:33

That’s not really ’half’ of it, because you still can’t actually login to the management screen and post with your OpenID. And surely there’s a less intrusive way to distinguish normal vs openid comments than have the user hit a tab at the top of the comment box to choose which type of comment they’re leaving.

WordPress is going to have a way sweeter implementation :)

</end obligatory putdown upon having being beaten to the thing.>

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2005-07-03 21:03:44

Yeah, well that’s not MT’s version, either, just Mark’s: one guy’s after-hours version, not the ten thousand employees’ and who knows how many QA contractors’ polished version. So nyah nyah: once they get done with all that, maybe even before the 4.x Get Out Your Wallet Again timeframe, it’ll be a shining jewel.

/me forgets about longstanding bugs which he can’t even submit patches for, thanks to ”code ownership concerns”

Comment by Kate Nepveu #
2005-07-05 08:28:33

Phil, I don’t know if you see old comments, so I’m just going to drop a link to a question I left on a prior post about importing things into MT, and if I don’t hear from you in a couple of days, I’ll assume you’re (understandably) not interested and look elsewhere. Thanks.


Comment by Anil #
2005-07-07 15:08:50

Hmm, interesting. The OpenID wiki says it’s 75% complete on both the server and client.

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2005-07-07 23:18:44

Difficult math: in my calculations, working but in need of cleanup counts as 100%, working but unreleased counts as 0%, so I get 50%; apparently not everyone figures it my way. And of course inside knowledge always helps the figuring – I should have guessed that Brad was well along with a server implementation from Mark’s screenshot, but I missed seeing it at first.

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