Chat with this

It’s always something, I guess. After leaving my blog totally abandoned for two weeks, I only had 13 spam comments to delete, which seems quite tolerable, all in all. I could cut that number down a bit, at the expense of legitimate comments, but I don’t really feel the need just yet.

Still, it’s a bit depressing to have one cycle of email checking yeild just three things: a “new referrer” notification telling me the exciting news that seochat’s PageRank-ordered search engine links to me for a search for "html allowed" blog (a comment spam search strategy that I remember warning Matt would be the inevitable result of having millions of WordPress weblogs all using the exact same phrase to describe just how they could be spammed), and two spam comments on the entry from the results: Don’t make me look stupid. Ayuh.

Conveniently, my referrer script comes quite early in the process of assembling a page, so if you come to an entry archive page with an referrer, you now see nothing but Chat with this, but thinking about the millions of special cases it will take to stop manually-entered comment spam makes me feel awfully tired.


Comment by Kafkaesquí #
2005-07-24 10:20:03

Yeah, but what is the HTML tag for ”welcome back?” And is it allowed here?

Comment by Phil Ringnalda #
2005-07-24 19:59:45

Maybe ☺?

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