Trying to reward quick responses

I’m not entirely sure that it makes business sense to always quickly respond to anything that any random person contacts you about, but it pleases me so much when someone does that I’d like to pass out kudos:

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a bug floating past in Bugzilla saying that posting in MSN Spaces wasn’t working with recent Firefox builds (which was actually a duplicate of an early August bug that we’d just mostly ignored). Since I sort of approximately know Dare, I emailed him at a bad choice of public address, and then noticed that Mike Torres exposes his work email on his weblog, so I sent him an email too, at 6pm on a Saturday. Within half an hour I got a response, saying that he’d do what he could, though they were in crunch time. The following Monday, I got an email from Scott Isaacs, saying that they’d figured it out (despite my misleading claims about what the problem was, since I’m always wrong on my first guess) and the fix just needed to work its way out to the live site. I didn’t check every day, so I don’t know when it actually went live, but when I checked this evening, it’s working like a charm in 1.5rc2, with plenty of time to spare before people want to post about how much they like their brand new Firefox 1.5 on their Space.

Oh, the crunch time? This was the weekend before Windows Live launched. And belay that carping about the presentation: they’re programmers, not PR. Me, I’m impressed.

1 Comment

Comment by Gordon #
2005-11-16 05:47:39

Had to laugh at all the hoo-haa over a Powerpoint slide. Since when did one of those things ever really make sense?

For all we know that big Microsoft Live ’picture’ coulda been built up while Bill discussed it.. layer by layer… and it would of made sense to those WATCHING THE PRESENTATION?

Sure it ain’t pretty, so obviously it wasn’t done by a designer.. yet people are still asking if MS has ”any designers”… what a stupid question.

Sometimes the MS bashing really needs to calm down a bit.

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