Fresh SharpReader
New SharpReader version: from the announcement changelog:
Disable all on* (mouseover, load, etc.) Javascript events, defanging several good malicious ideas I’ve had, and making Ben Hammersley‘s ad-filled feed relatively safe to read again.
Fixed the bug that killed SharpReader when spacebarring through an item with no description. I was actually thinking earlier tonight about suggesting an option to turn off showing the HTML page for items without a description, since I just assumed it was an IE bug in the embedded browser taking down the whole program. I still think a “no web pages on my crappy dialup connection” pref would be nice, but adding prefs is a steep and slippery slope.
“Rudimentary” popup blocking. Any start is a good start: I forget just how bad popups have gotten, and then I use some poor IE-dependent soul’s computer, and remember just how much of my sanity I owe to Firebird.
What are you waiting for? Go get it.
You know… you could use NewsMonster and Firebird at the same time and you would get popup blocking for free!
Do you solemnly swear that it really and truly, no question, no doubt, is uninstallable from Firebird now?