How not to get noticed

Speaking of getting noticed, I’ve been noticing that Wired has a new sex column. I know they do because I subscribe to their RSS feed, and they’ve been swapping the entry announcing it between the author’s real name, Regina Lynn Preciado, and her pen name (or, benefit of the doubt, perhaps her coincidental nickname), Gina Lynn, apparently nearly every time Bloglines re-reads the feed. As a result, pretty much every time I’ve checked my aggregator the last couple of days, I’ve seen that entry again. And again. And again.

Oops, that didn’t quite work out right. Unsubscribed.


Comment by Jeevan #
2004-09-19 22:07:21

I got a Bloglines account just 2 days ago, subscribed to all the feeds of the sites that I regularly go to then checked out the ”Recommended feeds based on what you have subscribed to” thing there. The Wired feed shows as recommendation number 1 so I subscribe… then receive at least 6 update notifications for that same sex column in the last 24 hours.

I thought it must have just been Bloglines a bug till I saw your post show up at Bloglines minutes ago. ;-)

Comment by Manda #
2004-09-20 05:26:16

I used to edit entries half a dozen times correcting spelling/grammar errors. It was quite a chore ridding myself of that habit once I saw how Bloglines kept bumping up edited entries.

One thing I do not like about Bloglines is the ’Reference’ link an entry is saddled with when another blogger links to that entry (or indeed, when you ’link’ to yourself in an extended entry). That too can bump up an entry. Recently a blog I read got 10+ References over a week’s time. I got so sick of seeing that darn entry again and again and again.

Comment by Jeevan #
2004-09-20 09:04:43

I believe this behavior with Bloglines can be changed by clicking the ”Edit” link at the top, clicking the name of the feed you want to change and then setting the ”Updated Items:” from ”Display As New” to ”Ignore”.

Comment by Shelley #
2004-09-20 09:22:18

Wired has a new sex column. My.

For subsets, does this fit under Technology? Or Business. Culture I suppose, but it could work equally well under Politics.

But I still go back to Technology. Think of it:

Wired -> Technology -> Sex

Isn’t this a natural progression?

Comment by Danny #
2004-10-06 01:47:48

I don’t know if you’ve offended your readers that come for the sexual content, but there’s a definite blip on your PubSub ranking:

Trackback by Software will save us #
2004-09-20 07:02:47

Life is too short

One pathetic loser accidently mistook this site as a billboard for his filthy poker site, so I switched comments to approval-only. I understand that this is the tactical nuke of comment spam prevention, but life is too short to waste…

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