SQLData RSS Reader
Tuesday, April 9th, 2002SQLData RSS Reader
SQLData RSS Reader
Slashcode RSS feed
O’Reilly Network: Writing RSS 1.0 [Aug. 25, 2000]
Why are you wasting time here? Remind yourself that the highest purpose of a blog is to say “This is what I think,” not “This is what you should think,” and go read Mike Golby. That’s the reason I’ve spent much of the last year helping people use Blogger.
I know I’m supposed to like elegant code, but I really prefer a quick, brutal hack: Ruzz added Blogger API support to Big Blog Tool, but since the Blogger API still doesn’t support titles, he just added in his own title support by treating anything that comes before “:H:” as the headline. Ugly. Quick. Done. […]
Rats. More Like This hit the Daypop Top 40 just a post or two after his kind link to poor, neglected bloggertech fell off his main page. Still, I’m not begrudging any traffic to someone who links to the Digital Consumer Bill of Rights with a Clash lyric.
A sandwich, a beer, this mail rule reading “if the From line contains __@__.net delete it”, and this thermos, and that’s all I need.
There are things that can’t be cured by a sandwich and a beer. Fortunately, I don’t currently suffer from them.
Since I’ve seen a couple of mentions lately of the problems associated with posting a <textarea> in a Blogger post, I thought I’d post my solution: write the <textarea> in javascript. The problem: when you try to edit a post which contains a <textarea>, and thus also a </textarea>, the <textarea> in the Blogger interface […]
To keep an eye on : salad with steve has a RSS feed with “RSS generation done by ‘Blogger Pro’.” At the moment, Newzcrawler sees it as one invisible item, Feedreader sees 15 untitled invisible items, and Amphetadesk refuses to even add it, but I take my hopeful signs of progress wherever I can find […]