Archive for May, 2005

BLM is having a massage?

Saturday, May 14th, 2005

For at least the last couple of days, almost all of has been redirecting to, where the National Interagency Fire Center gives them a little space to say that a big chunk of the United States government is offline while we make modifications to the site that will enhance the security of our […]

Less scary docs are good docs

Saturday, May 14th, 2005

When you’re staring at SourceForge’s rather terse and high-level documentation, Phil Haack’s guide to CVS and SourceForge for Windows users is what you would rather be reading.

Plenty of room for improvement

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Amazon and RSS? (wherein I’m not too complimentary about Amazon’s utterly broken, truly awful autodiscovery), and Amazon wizarding, wherein James Robertson screenshots just how much room they left him to add value in Bottomfeeder.

Distracted by plumbing

Friday, May 13th, 2005

While I’m really looking forward to having roc’s ‘render a thumbnail of a web page as an image’ (especially with canvas.toDataURL()), right now I’m rather distracted by his example extension code, which adds a listener for window.load, that adds an observer for EndDocumentLoad, that actually fires the script. Hmmm.

FireTrade MarkFox

Friday, May 13th, 2005

The Mozilla<SMALL><SUP>TM</SUP></SMALL> Trademark Policy is now at version 1.0. There’s interesting stuff to discuss, like the attempt at claiming to not allow extension names like FireFoo or, say, FoxiPod, but I just can’t get over the way they marked up the ™ symbol.

Statistically improbable reading method

Friday, May 13th, 2005

Sander van Lambalgen has a wonderfully insane idea for how to read an entire book on Amazon, from one statistically improbable phrase to the next. Sander? Can we pretty please have a feed, even just titles-only?

Surviving in an age of customers with voices

Friday, May 13th, 2005

If your customers are talking, my guess is you’d better be talking, too.

Who’s the British Freud?

Monday, May 9th, 2005

Heh-heh. He said bogroll.

Toys for ‘monkeys

Monday, May 9th, 2005

Some JS Array extras if you’re lucky enough to do your JavaScript in Greasemonkey or Firefox extensions, and can insist on a recent build: forEach, indexOf, filter, map, some, every.

Or even Job Two

Monday, May 9th, 2005

Where Blogging is Job One. That was always my black hole point, though maybe that doesn’t make it through. At least remind me I’m subscribed to your feed every few months.