pink and repink
Friday, February 23rd, 2007Since Pinkerton got kicked off the planet(, somebody’s got to keep people up to date with him, don’t they?
Since Pinkerton got kicked off the planet(, somebody’s got to keep people up to date with him, don’t they?
When you want to see the last thing they want you to see.
Matt Mower? Didn’t he used to exist?
If Google and MSN Search hate me so much, what are they doing naked in my bed, humping away while they punch me and scream “I hate you!”?
A sadly prophetic spellcheck-typo.
If you want to phish for me, at an absolute minimum you need to understand what role in the hypothetical transaction you want each of us to play.
If you are an aggregator developer, you need to know the difference between text and HTML, and how to treat them differently. Atom actually tells you which it is, so please believe it.
I would not pay attention to any list of top weblogs that would have me as a listee.
Why yes, it is Everybody Gets Skewered Day. Just like every day, Skippy. Maybe I’ll make “carping” my default category. Microsoft announced their RSS-SSE-WTF? extension this morning. I was going to go over it in depth, paying special attention to the fact that this is the third time in a row that they’ve embraced and […]
If your best advice for me is meta tags, I’ve got a ticket to this century I’ll sell you cheap.