The level aggregator field
Friday, January 31st, 2003RSS levels the playing field, if you play by the rules.
RSS levels the playing field, if you play by the rules.
Vellum, Stuart Langridge’s weblog script written in Python, started out great and just keeps getting better and better.
Google’s algo shift even more in bloggers’ favor, and another one raises his head, ready for the abuse of his peers.
I need a way to stop sending referrers when people click on my “random blog” link in the original entry, rather than bookmarking it like I expected they would.
There are only two proper referrers when you hit an RSS feed with an aggregator: a page of links to your subscriptions, which is a pretty useless referrer, and nothing. Here’s how to change to nothing in three popular RSS readers.
Jason DeFillippo _is_ Blogholio. is handy. Referrer log spammers are scum.
So that’s why Phoenix Technologies objected to Phoenix the Mozilla browser.
Just in case you missed the news, Chris is back, and in fine form. (Also, I needed a link to one of his individual entry pages.)
Curious about where and how Aquarion will be displaying his TrackBack pings inklog: it’s what you’ve always wanted. Somehow, RevJim’s titles always seem to say all that I need to say.