Weblog posts ranked by popularity
Tuesday, April 29th, 2003Rather than just offering a new visitor your previous post (about your cats) and your next post (about gym class), why not offer your most popular posts?
Rather than just offering a new visitor your previous post (about your cats) and your next post (about gym class), why not offer your most popular posts?
An unobtrusive DHTML script to convert archive links in the new Blogger from 04/01/2003 – 04/30/2003 to April 2003 without much fuss or effort
Two new Shannon Campbell MP3s. Get to downloading.
Cornerhost hosted blogs take an unexpected vacation.
InfoWorld: it’s like reading me, a few days later.
Just some nits to pick with the first draft of TrackBack in the UserLand environment.
Oh, yeah, I’ve got 404 to search, and don’t have TrackBack’s in my comments feeds
Autodiscovery will be the death of TrackBack. Without autodiscovery, a TrackBack ping says “if you liked that, read this,” but with autodiscovery, a ping says “I linked to that” and far too often, it’s nothing but a link.
Last time we discussed a namespace for RSS 2.0, I got it wrong, proposing the right thing to do as my third proposal and bad-mouthing it. This time, I’d like to see it done right.
Take a bunch of really smart users, get them close to a developer, and you’ll get a good product.