Archive for September, 2002

Peace in our time

Thursday, September 5th, 2002

Mark is talking about RSS 2.0, adding namespaces but not RDF to RSS 0.9x. Dave is talking about adding namespaces to RSS 0.94. I’m purring. Of course, no matter what, there will be holdouts, like the Japanese soldiers who continued fighting WWII for years after it ended, but for me the last nail went into […]

RSS 1.0 content:encoded

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002

Probably my biggest gripe about RSS 1.0 for weblog syndication is the way it discourages feed providers from adding the entire post, complete with HTML, to their feed. The content module has been around forever, but it’s chock-full of RDF goodness (which means that it’s nearly incomprehensible to the average weblogger), and doesn’t seem to […]