Tastes like chicken
Monday, May 9th, 2005I fully expect some bloggers to keel over after choking on their own spleens
I fully expect some bloggers to keel over after choking on their own spleens
w00t! I got Moosed! How many other things, like the id attribute that I put on the body element when it should have been on the html element, and that I forgot to put anywhere but the front page, has nobody told me about?
Several days of things I might have written about, rather than just dumping them from my aggregator when I got tired of being reminded of how lazy I was being.
Adding a header to let your aggregator negotiate just how much content you want (and thus whether or not you need the ads that pay for the content)? Could work.
Maybe the reason you can make the widget that POSTs a form look just like a link that GETs a page is because you shouldn’t be allowed to do that.
Luke’s take on ads in RSS. And I really would subscribe to either one of those ad-feeds from Cabela’s, if only they knew enough to produce them.
Want to run the Movable Type backend as application/xhtml+xml? My accumulated changes eventually ran to a 1340-line unified-diff file.
Some interesting possibilities in Astroturfing via Greasemonkey
Somebody should delete Morbus so we can have his stuff.