Mostly Moz news
Wednesday, June 18th, 2003Various bits of news from around the Mozilla world, and a parting wave at the RSS crowd.
Various bits of news from around the Mozilla world, and a parting wave at the RSS crowd.
Open everything from everywhere in a new tab in a single window, in the background.
For Firebird, extensions are a way of life.
Adding a new Mozilla category, and focusing my thoughts where they might do some good.
In which I’m reminded of just how easy it is to add keyword accessible search shortcuts in Gecko-derived browsers.
So that’s why Phoenix Technologies objected to Phoenix the Mozilla browser.
True fullscreen from Phoenix + wider textareas from Movable Type
Mozilla has a had a problem with textareas and javascript since the dawn of time (or at least since the bug I track was opened, in June 2001): you can’t find out what text is selected in a textarea, so you can’t do handy-but-not-needed buttons that will do things like wrap <em>…</em> around selected text. […]
Finally got sick of waiting for a fix for the way Blog*Spot currently works with archives turned off (Blogger then publishes <$BlogItemArchiveFilename$> as “index.html”, but during the B*S upgrade/reorganization a while back they stopped redirecting index.html to the actual file in /homes/thesubdomain.html, so if you use one of the templates Blogger provides and turn archives […]
It is still possible to use a “Post to MT Blog” bookmarklet in Mozilla or other Gecko-based browsers with Mark’s fancy new XHTML 1.1 + application/xhtml+xml pages, but it takes a little modification of your bookmarklet. Chances are you’ve never noticed it, but every time you use your bookmarklet to post in Mozilla, it protests […]