I18n in digestible chunks
Monday, May 10th, 2004A quick and painless guide to writing HTML in more than just English.
A quick and painless guide to writing HTML in more than just English.
The fact that the W3C MarkUp Validator can tell you that a link inside a bold element inside another link is invalid in HTML, but cannot tell you that it is invalid in XHTML, just keeps nagging at me, making me wonder what else I trust to be correct when it’s really only as approximately correct as it can easily manage to be.
When you start overthinking whether to report a spam notification as spam, it’s time to just give up on email.
Everybody’s happy about some new switch, and I’m in a rut. Poor, pitiful me.
Google’s giving out invitations to beta test Gmail to “active users” of Blogger. Turns out, active doesn’t require very much activity at all.
Scoble nails how to be persuasive about a product so thoroughly that I can’t add anything, only talk around the edges about a preference for blog posts over conference presentations, and the importance of linking to anything, even if you think your readers might have already seen it.
On my plate, in my browser tabs: /~distler/blog/files/MTStripControlChars.pl Musings: MTStripControlChars Sketchbook: m[iA]cro: On NoHTMLEntities and application/xhtml+xml Sam Ruby: Character Encoding and HTML Forms Survival guide to i18n Bug 228779 – Submitted characters not included in the iso-8859-1 charset for iso-8859-1 documents should be always encoded as numeric character references Bug 18643 – add support for […]
Either my biological clock’s ticking, or Benjamin Arthur Dunfee Hall’s one hell of a smart-looking baby.
Desktop wallpaper-sized shots from the always-brilliant creator of the Sensitive Light photoblog.
What I need is more frequent browser crashes, so the tabs wouldn’t build up to the point where I have to blog them.