Talkeetna, WWR
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005Good gracious. I wondered where JeffK was these days, but I never would have guessed he was living on the air in Talkeetna.
Good gracious. I wondered where JeffK was these days, but I never would have guessed he was living on the air in Talkeetna.
MT-Moderate 1.0.0 now includes moderation for TrackBack pings. I’m not using it myself (being too fond of my sekrit methods), but it’s a sweet and cunning hack around a glaring defect in Movable Type.
I mean our favorite uncle’s pockets have serious protectors and his slide rule is well-oiled
Back before my annual fall sabbatical, I was supposed to do something about Internationalization and Trackbacks. Good to see Jacques taking care of it, because I flat out forgot.
Talking about Brian Dear’s pretty alternative idea for select menus, Ev says you can’t tab to drop-downs. Sounds like someone needs to enable full keyboard access on his Mac.
Feel the love/hate : Internet Explorer’s legacy, making people passionate about browsers. Sounds good to me.
Ah, April : when a young(ish) man’s fancy turns to thoughts of Bruuuuuuuuce!
Unprotecting iTunes vs. Unprotecting Napster : if we can burn a CD, your DRM is worthless. If we can’t burn a CD, we won’t buy from you. Are we done comparing DRM yet?
Problems the new IE could cause : I’m sure I’ve got some half-forgotten pages where it seemed like a good idea at the time to use some IE-specific CSS hack. No idea which, maybe someone will tell me once it becomes unreadable in IE.
Chuq on outsourcing his blog hosting and application : I can’t imagine trusting anyone else to want my blog as spamfree as I want it, but he makes a lot of sense.