JavaScript – Disabling form fields
Saturday, December 29th, 2001JavaScript – Disabling form fields PPK on how to disable even in 4.x browsers
JavaScript – Disabling form fields PPK on how to disable even in 4.x browsers
Guardian Unlimited | Netnews | The seven wonders of the web on better js popup links.
WinSCP : community plumbing
I am not amused.
NYPL: Style Guide: XHTML: Benefits : um, what are they again? The web is moving to XML, which is moderately useful for data interchange, so I should write my web pages as fake XML? It’s cleaner and more logical? In what way is <br /> more logical than <br>? Proper nesting is better than improper, […]
The Noodle Incident on validating
How to scare yourself silly: test mod_rewrite very carefully, in a .htaccess buried several directories down, but do it seconds before a server or dns problem temporarily renders your site inaccessible. Oh crap, I broke my site!
Second thoughts on remotely-hosted comments: after some mail from Hossein Sharifi, the author of YACCS, I’ve changed my tune. The problem with free remotely-hosted comments is not so much with the idea as it is with our expectations of them. Yes, Snorcomments crashing and burning, and taking all its users’ comments with it, was a […]