Archive for December, 2001

Common Sense Guide to Apache

Monday, December 24th, 2001

Common Sense Guide to Apache Security One of the beautiful things about unix is that to it, everything is a file- including you. What this means is that you can use the tar (tape archive) program to create a file on disk that you can then FTP to another server. Using an FTP client to […]

Getting there. I’ve got multiple

Monday, December 24th, 2001

Getting there. I’ve got multiple blogs on a single index file, and a way to redirect anything except permalinks on Blog*Spot that don’t point to /?/filename.html#number (don’t quite know where the #fragment goes during the redirect from archives/filename to ?/filename, but it sure doesn’t go anywhere JavaScript can find it). All that’s left is to […]

Behind the website: Blogger

Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

Behind the website: Blogger : for my external memory.

Trellix and Blogger

Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

EVHEAD!: How the Trellix Deal Happened — and What It Means


Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

Status.Blogger.Com : “Fixed the FTP log page, so it displays the date of the file again.” Woo hoo! A minor thing, but oh so annoying when you couldn’t tell whether you still had the same problem, or whether Blogger just wasn’t generating a new log page. Thanks, Ev.

Sheesh. This is taking way

Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

Sheesh. This is taking way too long. I think I’ve got a system for running all my blogs off a single index file, so if it works out, I’ll start to move them over.

Comments on comments

Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

The MeFi thread (where, inter alia, Meg complains about Blogger preventing anyone from starting a for-pay blogging system), and the voice of experience, Marcus commenting on commenting. Blogger desperately needs some simpler way of adding comments. Using Blogtracker, I get to see all the ex-Blogger users making their first Movable Type post, saying “Oh boy, […]

Edit, republish all

Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

Things that make you say “hmmm”: Blogger is overloaded. Bandwidth is a problem, server load is a problem. Yet, when you edit a post that isn’t in your most recent archive file, Blogger publishes your (unchanged) most recent archive file, and to get the older archive file changed, you go to ‘Archives -> republish all” […]

Hands off my &&

Sunday, December 23rd, 2001

Blogger’s inability to leave && in JavaScript alone annoys yet another person.

Geek Syndrome

Saturday, December 22nd, 2001

The Geek Syndrome : when Aspergers get rich enough to breed.