The perils of good semantic markup
Sunday, December 8th, 2002How many links does it take to overcome stunningly bad content in Google’s eyes?
How many links does it take to overcome stunningly bad content in Google’s eyes?
studio id on migrating from Movable Type to Drupal: Prepare index templates in MT to dump blog records as complete MySQL INSERT statements for Drupal’s node table. Damn that’s slick! And a certain other PHP/MySQL-based blogging system that needs to import entries and comments from MT might want to take note. [via Scott]
Google likes me again, though not as much as if I were in college or the US government.
Looks like Blogger’s planning on a seriously busy future: Ev’s last post before switching over to the new engine was item number 90018643, but his first post on the new system is item number 103913490788068556. Eighteen digits ought to provide for some growing room.
Reblogger returns, but where in the world is Michel Valdrighi?
The best blogroll/use of RSS I’ve seen, plus a “recommended reading” wish.
Ev: This relates to a post I made a while back challenging Dave’s argument that it’s not an aggregator unless it mixes the content sources up on a single page. Phil seems to agree (with Dave). Oops. I didn’t really quite mean to agree that you shouldn’t be allowed to use the word aggregator unless […]
Even though I can hear Sam muttering digital magpie in my ear, I still think there may be some reasons why Blog Browsers are more than just a shiny new toy for me to play with. We just have to figure out why. Here’s what has occurred to me so far: PalmBlogBrowser: when you find […]
RSS as a thousand separate collaborative weblogs, one per subscriber.
After the last time, I told myself that I’d never design another RSS module, and certainly not another one that attempts to do the right thing in both RSS 1.0 and 2.0, but it looks like I was lying to me: following along with RSS Blog Browsers and backups meant I needed a namespace for […]