Archive for April, 2005

You got your.. eh, that’s overused

Tuesday, April 5th, 2005

Yagoohoogle as a search plugin for Mozilla/Firefox. I expected it to just be a novelty I’d quickly delete, but the very first search I did showed me something interesting (or at least funny).

My Shorts in your face

Monday, April 4th, 2005

How to put brief entries in a single expanding unordered list in Movable Type.

Bloggio Dada

Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

How on earth has Oblique Info failed to get approval for AdSense? There’s certainly nothing spammy about a Dadaist weblog. Not like, say, insurablog, registered with the same admin address, and currently showing AdSense.


Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

The Strange Zen Of JavaScript : a new place for Scott Andrew to keep teaching me about JavaScript. Rawk!

Next! Next! Next!

Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

Scoble’s mark of quality: The real question is: who’ll do it for more than 150 million users first? That’s just not right ;)

Such a Link Dropper

Saturday, April 2nd, 2005

Patterns of Intermediation : toward a categorization of bookmarklet and user-script patterns, formalizing mucking with your content. Excellent!

Why teh HTMAL emals?

Saturday, April 2nd, 2005

TypePad now sends HTML email for comment notification. I can’t remember the last time I felt so totally distant from anything blogging related. I wouldn’t have been much more surprised by “TypePad now sends comment notifications written with a quill pen on the cured skins of Irish babies.” Can anyone explain this puzzle to me?

Must be that “free verse” stuff

Friday, April 1st, 2005

When life gives your friend a lemon (or he goes out and picks up a truckload of rotten ones, buzzing with yellowjackets), buy a commemorative T-shirt :)

When you absolutely, positively can’t manage your character encoding

Friday, April 1st, 2005

DumbQuotes : Greasemonkey script to turn curly quotes, em dashes, and other fripperies of typography back into the things that were good enough for our 7-bit world. Because sometimes it’s easier to dull the entire world than to sharpen the character encoding handling of your publishing chain. I guess. Beats seeing â€â€? all the time. […]

And who isn’t?

Friday, April 1st, 2005

Tired of Yahoo News ads? There’s no way it’ll last, but it’s always nice to use other people’s URIs as your API. Replace the &sid= parameter’s value with anything non-numeric, or just add a &sid=x to a URI without one, and watch the ads disappear.