Archive for the 'mt plugins' Category

Google: hands off my empty comments!

Saturday, July 6th, 2002

Just in case I need this for something again, since I’m sure to lose it in the Movable Type forum: a plugin to keep Google from indexing blank comments. Make a copy of mt-comments.cgi, name it mt-nocomments.cgi, and don’t forget to chmod it 755. Download, unzip it, and upload to your mt/plugins directory. […]

Validate this!

Sunday, June 30th, 2002

You know how when you were a kid, and you had to clean your room on a sunny day when you would rather be outside, so you just cleaned it by stuffing everything under the bed or in the closet, where Mom wouldn’t see it? After all, if she doesn’t see it, she doesn’t have […]