Archive for the 'shorts' Category

Why teh HTMAL emals?

Saturday, April 2nd, 2005

TypePad now sends HTML email for comment notification. I can’t remember the last time I felt so totally distant from anything blogging related. I wouldn’t have been much more surprised by “TypePad now sends comment notifications written with a quill pen on the cured skins of Irish babies.” Can anyone explain this puzzle to me?

Must be that “free verse” stuff

Friday, April 1st, 2005

When life gives your friend a lemon (or he goes out and picks up a truckload of rotten ones, buzzing with yellowjackets), buy a commemorative T-shirt :)

When you absolutely, positively can’t manage your character encoding

Friday, April 1st, 2005

DumbQuotes : Greasemonkey script to turn curly quotes, em dashes, and other fripperies of typography back into the things that were good enough for our 7-bit world. Because sometimes it’s easier to dull the entire world than to sharpen the character encoding handling of your publishing chain. I guess. Beats seeing â€â€? all the time. […]

And who isn’t?

Friday, April 1st, 2005

Tired of Yahoo News ads? There’s no way it’ll last, but it’s always nice to use other people’s URIs as your API. Replace the &sid= parameter’s value with anything non-numeric, or just add a &sid=x to a URI without one, and watch the ads disappear.

Now with xISBN and data: URI goodness

Friday, April 1st, 2005

amazon2melvyl userscript, take two. Now, everyone who’s been borrowing from it, and borrowing the idea of using an http: image link, please reborrow and use an inline data: URI. Hixie’s happy to cook one up for you from any image.

Submit to my comment filter

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

The Usability of Input Filtering. The original input is lost. There is no preview. I think this has to be a usability worse case scenario. +1. Filter with Forced Buffered Preview tempts me the most, but if you return unacceptable input unmodified, it’s hard to be sure your user will really look at the preview. […]

Actually, that’s HTML 6.0, not 4.0

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

XML+Data: date-stamped 2005-04-01 or not, Joseph is an evil man. Eeeeevil. Handwaving away the problem of encoding “- -“? Bah!

Firstest with the mostest

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

Chuq on Susan Mernit on growing your blog audience. Mostly, I’m with Chuq, though sometimes being first does count; many of my widest-linked posts have been frist p0st!s, rarely when they were deep scoops, mostly when they were quick toss-offs because I knew I wouldn’t have time to write more later. It’s bad as your […]

As you heard a million times…

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

A perfect way of looking at posting about the things everyone else already had more time to link to than you, but still you haven’t linked to it: Everybody knows that …

What’s next?

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

(What’s) because you know you want to know. I’m quite fond of, which among other things lets you block sites you don’t want in your results (whether because they are spam, crap, or just using a term you search on with a different meaning, RSS instead of RSS).