Archive for January, 2002

If you want to liven

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002

If you want to liven up your comment links, rather than using a tired old “0 comments” “1 comment” “2 comments”, but you share my particular form of creative disablilty, where once you see someone’s brilliant idea, you can’t come up with anything else that’s even tolerably good, then whatever you do don’t go look […]


Monday, January 21st, 2002

If you are interested in Blogger, and happen to be passing by the Dana Street Coffee House in Mountain View on the evening of January 22nd, you might want to stop in and see what’s new.

DentedReality php implementation of the

Monday, January 21st, 2002

DentedReality php implementation of the blogger xml-rpc api

While I’m not a big

Sunday, January 20th, 2002

While I’m not a big enough fan to mount a campaign to bring them back, if I saw Space Food Sticks in the store again, I’d sure like to take a trip down snacking memory lane.[via Larkfarm, source of all my best food links]

My next favorite new toy?

Sunday, January 20th, 2002

By far the best thing about Radio is the integrated RSS feed reader. So in my innovative-once-somebody-else-does-it way, I thought “somebody should build me a free RSS reader with a builtin Blogger API client.” Thanks to a link from Rogi, I see that someone did (well, is working on would be more accurate): Newz Crawler […]

XML in JavaScript

Sunday, January 20th, 2002

Loading XML from JavaScript at Webreference [via Newzcrawler] And from PPK [via]

Your thirty seconds of fame

Sunday, January 20th, 2002

Oh, this is bad. Really shameful. Want your thirty seconds of fame, being linked to by someone who wouldn’t think of linking to you otherwise? Just find someone who is experimenting with the “Link Feedback” script from yaywastaken (you can find people using it by looking at who links to it on Daypop or Blogdex) […]


Sunday, January 20th, 2002



Sunday, January 20th, 2002


Doin’ a Dave

Sunday, January 20th, 2002

Did a Dave on this post once it served its purpose.