Monday, April 21st, 2003The new version of Blogger offers new possibilities for archive scripts. All I have to do is decide on something.
The new version of Blogger offers new possibilities for archive scripts. All I have to do is decide on something.
New SharpReader version, fixes many annoyances, adds BlogThis plugin support.
I’m waiting to be convinced about the utility of XHTML-in-RSS, but it’s easy enough to play along.
Here BlogShares bot, here bot, nice bot, I’ve got some juicy links for you…
Okay, who hacked Daypop to stick me at both #2 and #5? With Adam at #4, #6, and #8, I’m going to be taking a close look at our common BlogShares investors; someone’s due for a big gift of stock.
I love you so much. Why do you push me away?
Show people who leave you comments enough respect to either tell them what will happen with their comment, or give them an accurate preview of what it will look like when they submit it.
Michel disappears for months, someone finally gets tired of waiting and forks b2, Michel returns.
Your RSS 2.0 feed really needs a comments element
By implementing the best of Opera and Phoenix/Mozilla, SlimBrowser makes Internet Explorer suck quite a bit less.