Archive for the 'trackback' Category

Just say no to TrackBack in index.html

Monday, September 23rd, 2002

Sam also asks if he should have TrackBack RDF in his main page. I say no, for two reasons. First, it just encourages foolish behavior: if you are pinging a TrackBack entry you are replying to a specific post, and so you should be linking to that post, but if you click your bookmarklet on […]

Another TrackBacker

Monday, September 23rd, 2002

Thank Ghu, Sam Ruby has Trackback. I’ve been commenting so much over there of late that I’ve got more content on his blog than on my own. Thanks to his integration of local comments and TrackBack-delivered remote comments, now I can have my comments appear both places.

The tyranny of titles

Thursday, September 5th, 2002

Back in the day, using Blogger Classic, I didn’t much miss post titles. If I was doing a blog that required them, I faked them up with markup, and if I didn’t need them I just plunged right in. Now, after five months of Blogger Pro and another three of Movable Type, I can’t imagine […]

Is cloaking RDF cheating?

Sunday, August 25th, 2002

Despite the fact that I think they’re both joking, I presume that other people will think that using PHP and user-agent sniffing to hide TrackBack RDF from validators is cheating, or wrong, or that the page with RDF in it remains in some meaningful sense invalid. I don’t think so. While it’s true that a […]

pb’s TrackBack genius

Saturday, August 24th, 2002

When I saw back in July that pb added TrackBack to’s comment system, I just thought that it was an interesting reuse of existing code. It wasn’t until I went back just now, while gathering links for a post on third-party TrackBack, that the other shoe dropped, and I realized just what an elegant, […]

TrackBack and validation summary

Saturday, August 24th, 2002

While considering adding “Related:” links to my various posts on TrackBack and XHTML validation, I discovered that I don’t seem to have ever actually posted the current semi-official best practice / lesser of evils solution. So, here’s an executive summary of the possible solutions, leading up to the current situation: The problem: TrackBack inserts a […]

Third (and final?) idea for TrackBack and XHTML validation

Monday, July 1st, 2002

I certainly hope that this is my final proposal for dealing with the fact that the RDF that TrackBack inserts into pages breaks XHTML validation. After sleeping on yesterday’s rather silly Javascript solution, I don’t much like it. Not only was I wrong about where the MT bookmarklet is getting the RDF (it doesn’t use […]

Validate this!

Sunday, June 30th, 2002

You know how when you were a kid, and you had to clean your room on a sunny day when you would rather be outside, so you just cleaned it by stuffing everything under the bed or in the closet, where Mom wouldn’t see it? After all, if she doesn’t see it, she doesn’t have […]

A pox on validation’s house

Saturday, June 29th, 2002

I would dearly love to gather up everyone who has ever attempted to teach English composition to anyone now involved in XHMTL/XML/DTD spec writing, so that I could give them all a medal for their efforts, and then shoot them all for their miserable failure to achieve anything resembling results. In order to make a […]

MT 2.2

Wednesday, June 26th, 2002

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to 2.2 we go… More later, right now I’m just putting my hacks back in, and having to rewrite several. <later>Clearly, the big thing for this release is TrackBack, a sort of automated referrer/link-back system which pings other TrackBack-enabled weblogs when you post something that refers to a post or category […]