Archive for the 'feeds and syndication' Category

Extending RSS 2.0

Thursday, September 26th, 2002

Curious about how to go about Extending RSS 2.0? Morbus has you covered with a gentle introduction to namespaces. (Curious about when I’ll shut up about RSS? Not yet, I’m afraid. There’s still plenty more to come.)

RSS needs: redirection

Tuesday, September 24th, 2002

Jon Udell points out the need for a way to redirect an RSS feed. He was subscribed to the RSS feed for Olivier Travers’ Webvoice blog, which used to be powered by Julian Bond’s RSS scraping service at Now that Blogger Pro produces RSS directly, Olivier’s feed is at, but Jon accidently subscribed […]

Putting on the brakes

Monday, September 23rd, 2002

First, the glowing vision: I take all the RSS 1.0 feeds from my circle of weblogs, plus RSS feeds of their comments, plus FOAF files that tell me that this nickname and this name go with this homepage and this email address, and I parse them all, throw them in a database of RDF triples, […]

A little RDF help, please?

Monday, September 23rd, 2002

I’m having yet another problem with (anonymous|blank) nodes: I think I’ve pretty well got the concept down (either you’re talking about something intrinsic to the feed, like the accursed rdf:Seq, or you’re talking about something that you can’t give a resource for (what’s the URI that will return Mark Pilgrim himself?), or something that you […]

MTEntryAuthor considered harmful

Sunday, September 22nd, 2002

If you are just merrily producing RSS 1.0 with the default MovableType template without ever having given it a close look, you might want to look now. Down amongst the <item> tags you’ll find <dc:creator><$MTEntryAuthor encode_xml=”1″$></dc:creator>. If you are the cautious sort who uses a secret login name for MT, so that people would have […]

Bring out your RSS 1.0!

Sunday, September 22nd, 2002

Praise Murphy, it looks like the gathering, parsing, and storing part of my RDF in RSS project is working. Now, I need your help feeding it. So far, I’m getting: […]

Using FOAF relationships

Sunday, September 22nd, 2002

An example worth a thousand words : Eric Vitiello’s FOAF file. Of course, I can’t just leave it at that. Couple of things of note at first glance: The repetition of <foaf:knows> after the various <rel:friendOf> etc., illustrating the current state of schema use: you can create a new element in your own namespace, and […]

Dive into anonymous nodes

Saturday, September 21st, 2002

Mark is looking at Friend Of A Friend. That’s good. Mark’s parsing his FOAF. That’s not so good, since in my limited experience anonymous nodes aren’t the easiest thing to grasp, and FOAF is all anonymous nodes. RDF is just sets of statements consisting of subject-predicate-object (or, in the form I can understand, thing-property-value), but […]

Aggregator numbers

Saturday, September 21st, 2002

<update> Substantially rewritten, once Adam explained what I was missing.</update> I mostly avoid my stats beyond a quick glance at referrers, but Mark and Dorothea are both talking about aggregator preference among their readers, so I thought I’d take a look. I wasn’t quite sure how to manage Mark’s “requests from unique IPs” (which is […]

A little RSS bright spot

Wednesday, September 18th, 2002

Amidst all the backbiting, frontbiting, bile-spewing nonsense surrounding RSS these days, I’m inordinately pleased to see that dates in RSS 2.0 “conform to the Date and Time Specification of RFC 822, with the exception that the year may be expressed with two characters or four characters (four preferred).” Why? Because it was my minor quibble. […]