Archive for the 'feeds and syndication' Category

Joel’s RSS problem

Saturday, October 19th, 2002

Joel has an RSS problem: Most of the RSS subscribers are whacking me every hour, which is actually costing me cash money in excess bandwidth charges. How can I set it up so they only visit once a day? Is this an RSS option? I rarely post more than once or twice a day. We […]

Another RSS feed-related element needed

Thursday, October 17th, 2002

Browsing Jon Udell’s feeds, I noticed that he’s subscribed to a Yahoo Finance beta feed, with the channel title “Yahoo Finance RSS Test is Over…” and one item reading “Our RSS test is over. We appreciate all the feedback.” Thing is, the way most aggregators work these days, unless you unsubscribe when you first see […]

Scooping Dave

Thursday, October 17th, 2002

Dave says he’ll link to his RSS Explorer Tool beta tomorrow. I say, it’s pretty damn cool today, and if you’re at all familiar with Dave’s style of URIs, you won’t need to wait. I’m not quite sure why, but somehow it’s more than just another look at yet another blogroll/channelroll. It does, however, add […]

rdf:resource and character data

Wednesday, October 16th, 2002

Just posting this in case I want to refer back to it at some point, since I’ll forget where I left it in Ben’s comments otherwise: RSS 1.0 elements that use URIs in character data rather than in rdf:resources dc:identifier ag:sourceURL possibly some of email? str: associatedApplication.downloadUri, str: codec.url, str: codec.downloadUri, str: live.contactUri taxo:link And […]

Just code it

Tuesday, October 15th, 2002

In keeping with my new policy of cryptic posts that clearly slam someone, though it’s not clear who: I’ve yet to see a computer problem solved by throwing words at it, but I dearly love to see one solved by throwing some code at it. Marcus has come up with yet another lovely solution to […]

Practical RDF

Monday, October 14th, 2002

Shelley’s Practical RDF book weblog has the first chapter of her prequel to “Making Pigs Fly in a Nutshell” up for technical review. I doubt I’ll find any nits to pick, but I’ll be reading along anyway, since she’s already saying just the sort of things I want to hear: It is only fair to […]

Syndication Subscription Service

Sunday, October 13th, 2002

No more orange coffee cup and pill RSS icons for me: just a “sub” icon to subscribe in any known aggregator.

Redirecting RSS redirection

Saturday, October 12th, 2002

Sam wants to use the rdf:about attribute on the channel item to redirect RSS feeds, but I doubt it will fly, for several reasons on both sides of the fence.

Friends of Bill

Thursday, October 3rd, 2002

One answer to the puzzling question of just exactly what it should mean to say that you “know” someone in the FOAF sense: Bill Kearney’s RSS 1.0 for Radio tool adds a section of FOAF at the end of the RSS feed, saying that you know him.

Fun with RDF

Tuesday, October 1st, 2002

RDF can actually be fun, as long as you don’t foolishly invest too much ego in trying to store RSS 1.0, or wander off into flame wars. Burningbird explains the basics of RDF Query Language, with a priceless explanation of chaining queries to get from the thing you know to the thing you want to […]