On this day
Wednesday, May 5th, 2004Two years with MT. Seems like forever ;)
Two years with MT. Seems like forever ;)
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.
There’s no hiatus or funk or whatever so deep that you can’t link to Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Out of the office, off the ‘net.
I still remember being very nearly incoherent while ranting about Ronald Reagan trying to use Springsteen’s Born In The USA as a campaign theme song (Got in a little hometown jam, So they put a rifle in my hand, Sent me off to a foreign land, To go and kill the yellow man; come to […]
In which Googlebot does it’s level best to freak me out.
InfoWorld: it’s like reading me, a few days later.
Here BlogShares bot, here bot, nice bot, I’ve got some juicy links for you…
Okay, who hacked Daypop to stick me at both #2 and #5? With Adam at #4, #6, and #8, I’m going to be taking a close look at our common BlogShares investors; someone’s due for a big gift of stock.
Eighteen dollars and ninety four cents.