Mark Pilgrim goes both ways
Thursday, March 31st, 2005Why get your scripts to hijack Amazon links and your scripts to un-hijack Amazon links from two different places, when you can get them from a one-stop-shop?
Why get your scripts to hijack Amazon links and your scripts to un-hijack Amazon links from two different places, when you can get them from a one-stop-shop?
A user script to turn the quotes around quoted text in Blogger’s BlogThis popup into a real blockquote element.
For want of the proper function to escape the title and text, anything but English was being lost. No more.
Surely something ought to be done about RSS/Atom autodiscovery links inside framesets, but I don’t know quite what. And no, killing everyone who uses frames is not an option (not until after the revolution, anyway).
“Sure, exploiting a bug in the Firefox popup blocker is great, but wouldn’t we be even more annoying if we rebrand the autoscroll icon it foolishly puts in our DOM?”
Netscape 8, featuring built-in insecurity for sites that AOL/TW trusts on your behalf.
Wherein, shockingly enough, someone finds Slashdot comments utterly clueless.
Apparently it’s not very clear how to specify the charset that should be used to encode the query for Mozilla/Firefox search plugins (the Sherlock .src files that power the search box next to the addressbar): the documentation on the Mycroft page isn’t actually right (though as usual in programming documentation that allows user comments, it’s […]
A little Firefox extension to let you subscribe to RSS and Atom feeds by right-clicking a link to the feed.
My old right-click BlogThis extension, updated for the new Extension Manager at last, and now without the abrupt cutoff of selected text.