Archive for the 'random linkage' Category

I wonder why buttons look like that

Saturday, May 7th, 2005

Maybe the reason you can make the widget that POSTs a form look just like a link that GETs a page is because you shouldn’t be allowed to do that.

Don’t be degrading

Monday, April 11th, 2005

If rather than writing your snazzy JavaScript enhanced page/application, and then looking at whether or not it degrades tolerably, you start with basic HTML that works, basically, and then enhance it with unobtrusive JavaScript, you know it should always work as well as it can for anyone’s browser with any capabilities.

Three days worth

Friday, March 18th, 2005

Forty five things I wanted to write about, just over the last three days.

Just how much power does Google need?

Thursday, March 17th, 2005

I just hope their data center is going to leave a little electricity for the rest of the Northwest.

Best use of nofollow by a commercial site

Saturday, March 12th, 2005 isn’t just a great reference site, it’s a great example of how to use rel=”nofollow” to only have the links you want to count counted.

Talking about the weather

Saturday, March 5th, 2005

Google’s new weather shortcut may not be even remotely a new idea, but the execution probably hits the sweet spot of “give them what they mostly want, without a bunch of choices and clicks to get there,” unlike the competition.

Telling developers from users

Tuesday, March 1st, 2005

IP-based query capping means you can actually distribute Yahoo API apps without needing your users to sign up for a developer’s key. Nice!

But the Yahoo API gives me 5000 queries a day!

Monday, February 28th, 2005

Yahoo raises the bar for search APIs by as much as GMail raised the bar for web mail.

Some thought-tools

Sunday, February 27th, 2005

A selection of bookmarklets that I’m using to think about the Google Toolbar AutoLink feature.

Protect your browser from “Protect your site from Google’s new toolbar”

Thursday, February 24th, 2005

So, you want an arms race, do you?