Just how cunning is eBay?
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005If you were a phisher, would you think it worth the bargain to tell eBay directly about every URL you use to phish their customers?
If you were a phisher, would you think it worth the bargain to tell eBay directly about every URL you use to phish their customers?
Jason Kottke, Professional Weblogger. It has to be interesting, seeing how that’s going to work out.
Sure, I could just file the sucker and find out that way, but I’d rather have you tell me I’m being stupid than have strangers do it.
Phishing with IDN homographs isn’t a Mozilla/Opera/Safari problem, it’s an IDN problem: give IE a plugin to make it not ASCII-centric, and it’s spoofed too.
Do a few hundred interlinked sites that to me appear purely designed to drive affiliate traffic to a hotel reservation site really count as a “hobbyist guide” in other people’s picture of the internet?
Whether nofollow means a site can hoard all its PageRank, or means that using it is like pouring out PageRank on the floor, you’re screwed. The question is just which way.
Of course I’m just bitter because it seems to hate me in any sort of ego search (I generally come out below anyone who has linked to me, and below Bloglines preview pages, and below totally unrelated things for that matter, and he may not own John Doerr but Dave owns me), but I have […]
CDBaby’s getting a rewrite, in Ruby on Rails, and now it’s gotten my attention.
Sometimes, on my very best days, I can almost persuade myself that I feel the puff of air just before the wing flicks my ear.
Release Early, Release Often, release with credit for the stuff you stole, you idiot.