Archive for March, 2002

Does Google count?

Sunday, March 17th, 2002

Some poor unfortunate Google searcher looking for “blogrolling howto radio”, for which I am your only resource, caused me to notice that Google seems to count rather like those lucky “primitive” peoples who have numbers like “none”, “one”, and “a bunch”. Omiting “very similar” pages, you get two of my pages, “Results 1-2 of about […]

Got archives?

Saturday, March 16th, 2002

Status.Blogger.Com Looking into: Archive problem for week of 3/10. Update: Fixed (I believe—not yet widely tested).

Nearly Hack-Free CSS

Saturday, March 16th, 2002

This “nearly hack-free” means of authoring provides authors the freedom to write clean, valid external CSS1 style sheets to be read and compatibly understood by the few browsers that do so. Only you can decide when you are comfortable letting non-compliant browsers eat unstyled markup. — Tantek Çelik Wow. Vastly more elegant than using @import […]

Mommy, I wanna kitten!

Tuesday, March 12th, 2002

Well, I don’t really want a kitten, but if either of my monster cats tried this, I’d lose the arm at the elbow. It did remind me of my favorite kitten story, though (sorry Dvorak, has to be told). The last litter of kittens from my last non-spayed cat were born in my dresser, and […]

Pretty templates for the stealing

Monday, March 11th, 2002

I really must start to pay more attention to what’s going on at friends’ sites, especially when it’s something I asked for: pixelkitty templates for Blogger, in lovely valid CSS and XHTML. Also of note in the pixelkitty zone: by far the best looking set of archive links I’ve ever done the javascript to produce. […]

Ebert’s Great Movies

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

Ebert’s Great Movies

Suck harder, Blog*Spot!

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

There’s little doubt but what Blog*Spot sucks. It’s slow, often unavailable, and frustrating when you decide you want images or separate style sheets. The problem is, it doesn’t seem to be frustrating enough, or at least not frustrating the right people enough. Blog*Spot is absolutely necessary to Blogger: with Blog*Spot, a potential Blogger user, whether […]

But I digress (beautifully)

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

Jonathon on digression. Ironic post intended.

When pings go bad

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

Just noticed that I’m missing out on updates by depending on my blogroll. My list is built from the RSS version of my favorites list at, which is mostly built from Fine and dandy, except that I blew it, and mentioned pinging directly, and Shannon must have done it. Now her pings […]

Disposable email addresses

Saturday, March 9th, 2002

Two ways to get disposable email addresses, for those times when you have to give an address to sign up for something, but you don’t quite trust them not to sell you to the spammers: Spammotel generates random addresses (like, and then forwards everything, with an optional custom prefix to the subject, until you […]